- Continued familiarisation with Max MSP using the objects Buffer~ and Groove~ to create a time stretching feature for samples, current optimum playback speed - 0.25% of the original sample.
- Revisited the human sound source, influenced by a sound effects tutorial which uses time stretching on short coughs.
- Submitted showcase proposal.
- Haven't mastered Plot~ to generate time-based graphs against attributes like F0.
- Integrated overlapping spectrum analysis in the Gizmo~ (1.0) and Groove~ (2.0) prototypes.
- Sourced a Max MSP Granular tutorial to incorporate these synthesis features in future builds; http://www.cs.au.dk/~dsound/DigitalAudio.dir/Papers/IntroToGranSynth.pdf
Agreed Action Points
- Start including the use of Record~ working with Buffer~ in future builds, working towards the prospective real-time driven elements of the prototype.
- Build and test Granular sound synthesis components.
- Revisit Plot~ to generate temporal analysis graphs.
- Investigate the inclusion of customizable master effects that can be automated.
- Time stretching that can be editted during playback with the possible use of a fader.
*Found a really useful Max/MSP tutorial source aimed at beginners that discusses a variety of topics such as basic audio techniques, sequencing and synthesis. Also handy to get another resource to help increase object knowledge, and application.