Wednesday 15 January 2014

Workflow and Max MSP, First Max MSP Test

Workflow Diagram

The workflow diagram demonstrates the relationship between the proposed programs along with the key stages for the prototypes concurrent development. Additional programs may also be utilised, but this image details the current core programs considered for the prototypes development at this current stage.

Max Test

A simple test with a Subtractive Synthesis principle using cascading bandpass filters on a tone generator sound source. The test also contains monitor points before and after the filtering stage. 

The Max MSP components used include;

"Use the number~ object to display signal values or generate them."
"Use the cascade~ to filter an input signal using a series of biquad filters."
"spectroscope~ serves as a visual spectrogram or sonogram interface for the analysis of signals."
"Use the filtergraph~ object to generate filter coefficients for the biquad~ or cascade~ objects with a graphical interface."
"*~ is a signal multiplier-operator that outputs a signal which is the multiplication between two signals."
"ezdac~ works as a user interface version of the dac~ object. It appears as a button which can be clicked with the mouse to turn audio on or off."

The learning curve experienced within Max has been quite negligible with it's searchable object database, help patches and reference notes all nicely integrated into the program.

Quotes taken from:

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