Friday 7 March 2014

7th Supervisor Meeting

Progress report;
  • Segmented presentation and rewire - taking advantage of bpatcher and the send and receive objects that work across patches. The segmentation also makes the prototype a lot more manageable to keep and update.
  • Reverse source implemented, but along with a simple switch, two dials are now displayed, one for the normal sound, and one for the reversed.
  • Record function always present to export sounds through the different stages
  • Segmented audio options and modules
  • Signal chain module implemented to display the flow of the signals prototype
  • Worked on Granular, still a challenge.
  • Major find with the replace message, which rectifies the past problems concerning loading samples, where I previously had the read message.
  • Got a basic limiter implemented in the master effects stage.
  • Started prototype post mortem.
Agreed Action Points;
  • Break-down prototype.
  • Investigate real-time options.
  • Additional features; envelope, filters.
  • Investigate cross synthesis.
  • Investigate any outcomes with using audio of different sample rates.
  • Investigate Pure Data.  

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