Saturday 26 April 2014

Running Devices At The Same Time

The mobile port is a little more delicate, given the reduced screen size, but is still functional. Both devices can operate Beast Box at the same time which is interesting.
Tested that earlier with pals, dubbed "Parameter Wars!" it got quite competitive. This would make for an interesting showcase feature.

The last OSC implementations feature instant parameter feedback that was scripted in, whereas before, say if the visible host parameter was Flow and the mobile parameter Beast was being manipulated, the host wouldn't change. Now thanks to a little tweaking I've configured it so if it was on Flow, and Beast was changed, the Beast parameters would come up on the Host.

The updated parameter control is visible in this video;

The main annoyance is with the mobile port in that Peak editor doesn't operate as it should. Where it should only affect Frequency, it controls gain as well, and cuts it off, another debugging issue. 

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