Wednesday 19 February 2014

Prototype Progress by Iteration

Prototype 1 
The first prototype consisted of a very basic build that satisfied the need of getting acquainted with Max/MSP, and accommodating a very basic model for comparative frequency analysis between two sound sources. Analysis was presented with the use of spectroscopes, still the drive for realism within the project scope. Whilst gizmo~ did manage to address the human source in terms of bringing down the pitch, the resulting sound is very artificial sounding.     
  •    Featured a pitch shifter to address the human source
  •    Used looped sound effect playback
  •   An attempt at filtering
  •   A spectrum analyser
Prototype 2 
A very significant and lengthy collection of iterations from 2.0 through to 2.9 that dealt with addressing the source using a different method of pitch stretching that changes the playback speed of the sample, instead of the resampling method.
This change in process outlined a strong limitation, which presented itself with no longer being able to run in real-time; given it natures of being a time stretching pitch changer.
The series of builds also defined the first utilisation of presentation mode to create a basic UI and develop it, with the most significant design-oriented builds that ran from 2.4 onwards. The resulting layout aesthetic was very modular and featured high contrast colours. Functionality additions were implemented including;

  • ·         The choice to bypass and activate elements
  • ·         The use of dial control to change the pitch that adapts in real-time
  • ·         More object implementation
  • ·         Granular attempt
  • ·         Filtering issues
  • ·         Noise generators
  • ·         First export

Prototype 3 and 3.5  
Prototypes 3 and 3.5 were developed side by side but with different focuses. 3 focused on the developing the sound elements, whilst 3.5 focussed on the visual components. The modular layout aided in providing a model for higher level design work in relation to planning prospective features/effects.
A plate reverb unit taken from the patches provided from Max (Yafr) was implemented under the name Chamber.
·         Attempt at UI, result; very modular

3.2 Technical Notes

Prototypes 3 and 3.5 were developed side by side but with different focuses.
·         Routable effects
·         Reverb
·         Sample Selection tool
·         Initial values
·         Recording input for live mode
·         Presents higher level design prospects and layout
·         Experiment with comb

Prototype 3.5

·         Main redesign focus
·         Filtering improved
·         Presets
·         Discovered the pictslider object which would be utilised for XY control in current prototype and retrofitted into P3
·         Hint implementation to aid in functionality

·         First Morpher module in the form of a peak filter for additional frequency customisation

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